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Film & Video Professional

I am a queer film and video professional, passionate about exploring the beauty and complexity of the human condition through my art.


I believe in the power of the internet and the importance of telling small stories that resonate with the niche audiences who are often overlooked or stereotyped in mainstream media.  

I have skills in many creative fields, most notably writing/directing, editing and costume design.

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I am often drawn to stories of other women and queer folk, and am especially fond of using the Science Fiction and Fantasy genres as a lens to explore complex thoughts, feelings and ideas.


Whether I am delving into the beauty of reality in a doc or working with a more narrative structure, I aspire to always have a strong vision and a symbiotic relationship with my crew.

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Years of experience as a Cosplayer, Indie Costume Designer and Sewist have given me the skills required to design, source and build unique and well thought out costumes on a budget.



An organized and collaborative picture editor and assistant editor, I have experience working freelance and in a team environment. I love bringing order to both documentary and scripted projects.

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